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Insurance Worksheet


Are you interested in using your insurance benefits to seek reimbursement for your care?

Click the link below to download the worksheet to assist in determining your out-of-network coverage.


Many patients prefer to protect their privacy and autonomy by paying for treatment directly. 

For this reason, Dr. Espaillat does not release your information to insurance companies, but will provide the necessary paperwork for you to do so should you determine it is in your best interest. 

Disclaimer: This website pro­vides gen­eral infor­ma­tion and dis­cus­sion about med­i­cine, health, and related sub­jects.  The words and other con­tent provided in this blog, and in any linked mate­ri­als, are not intended and should not be con­strued as med­ical advice. If the reader or any other per­son has a med­ical con­cern, he or she should con­sult with an appropriately licensed physi­cian or other health care worker.  Never dis­re­gard pro­fes­sional med­ical advice or delay in seek­ing it because of some­thing you have read on this website or in any linked materials. 

If you think you may have a med­ical emer­gency, call 911 immediately.

© 2017 by Stacey Espaillat, MD.

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