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Are irritability, mood swings, depression, low energy, or difficulty concentrating making it even harder to cope with the hot flashes, interrupted sleep, and physical changes that accompany menopause?


     Many women suffer significantly during perimenopause, and on average their symptoms last 4-8 years. To make matters worse, they often feel misunderstood or find their symptoms minimized by others who tell them it's "normal" and "everybody has to go through it."

     This season of life also bring major changes in social roles for women, with an opportunity to reflect on their own needs as the needs of their family and career change. Do you want to make the most of this next chapter? Dr. Espaillat supports you both in reducing perimenopausal symptoms and in seeing this next chapter as a opportunity to discover your best self.


Helpful Resource:

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If you think you may have a med­ical emer­gency, call 911 immediately.

© 2017 by Stacey Espaillat, MD.

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